Title: 9 Ways To Make Your Boyfriend Better At Oral Sex

So, you want to spice things up in the bedroom and help your partner become a master of oral pleasure? Look no further! We've got nine expert tips to help you improve your partner's oral skills and take your intimacy to the next level. From communication to exploration, these tips will have you and your partner feeling more connected and satisfied than ever before. Ready to dive in? Check out these expert tips and get ready to take your pleasure to new heights.


One of the most important aspects of a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship is communication and feedback. If you feel like your boyfriend could use a little improvement in the oral sex department, it's important to approach the topic with sensitivity and tact. Here are nine ways to help your boyfriend become better at oral sex, without hurting his feelings or making him feel inadequate.

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Communicate Your Desires:

The first step in helping your boyfriend become better at oral sex is to communicate your desires and preferences. Let him know what you enjoy and what you'd like him to do differently. Be gentle and encouraging, and avoid criticizing or making him feel inadequate.

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Guide Him:

If your boyfriend is inexperienced or unsure of what to do, guide him gently. Show him how you like to be touched and where you enjoy the most attention. By providing him with hands-on guidance, you can help him become more confident and skilled in the art of oral sex.

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Encourage Exploration:

Encourage your boyfriend to explore different techniques and approaches to oral sex. Suggest that he experiment with different rhythms, pressures, and techniques to find what works best for you. By encouraging him to explore, he can discover what brings you the most pleasure.

Offer Positive Reinforcement:

When your boyfriend does something right or makes an effort to improve, offer positive reinforcement. Let him know how much you enjoyed it and how much it turned you on. Positive feedback can go a long way in boosting his confidence and motivation to continue improving.

Be Patient:

Learning to become skilled at oral sex takes time and practice. Be patient with your boyfriend and avoid putting pressure on him to improve quickly. With patience and encouragement, he will become more confident and skilled over time.

Watch and Learn:

If your boyfriend is open to it, watch educational videos or read articles together about oral sex. This can provide both of you with new ideas, techniques, and inspiration to improve your sexual experiences together.

Share Your Fantasies:

If there are specific fantasies or scenarios that turn you on, share them with your boyfriend. By opening up about your desires, you can provide him with a roadmap for what you enjoy and what you want him to do during oral sex.

Encourage Open Communication:

Encourage open communication about sex and intimacy in your relationship. Let your boyfriend know that you are open to discussing any concerns or desires related to your sexual relationship. This will create a safe and open environment for him to share his own thoughts and feelings about oral sex.

Seek Professional Help:

If your boyfriend is open to it, consider seeking professional help together. Sex therapists and relationship counselors can provide guidance and support in improving your sexual relationship, including oral sex skills.


Improving your boyfriend's oral sex skills requires patience, communication, and encouragement. By approaching the topic with sensitivity and tact, you can help your boyfriend become more confident and skilled in the art of oral sex, leading to a more satisfying and fulfilling sexual relationship for both of you.